Agisoft (Metashape)

Agisoft (Metashape)


Agisoft Metashape Standard does not offer a way to automatically set scale. For best practice, we recommend using Blender (a free 3D application) to do this by hand.

You will require an Alembic file that includes cameras & a UV unwrapped mesh

Open a new ‘General’ blender scene and Delete all of the Default objects, you scene should look like this:

To Import an Alembic file : File -> Import -> Alembic



After importing, the mesh and cameras should be in your scene. Create an empty object, this will be used to apply the same scale to the mesh and all the cameras:


Select everything except the ‘Empty’:


Then Shift+Drag the selected items into the empty:


It should look like this:


Using the measure too (Shift+Spacebar, M), hold Ctrl to snap the tool to two points in the mesh, like so:


Then compare this distance to the real life distance. If you divide this distance by the real life distance you end up with a scale factor. 

On the object properties menu for the ‘Empty’, insert the computed scale factor into the three scale input boxes:


Use the measure tool again to confirm the distance is now correct.

Now select all cameras and the mesh, press Alt+P to bring up the Clear Parent dialog, and select Clear and Keep Transformation:


Delete the ‘Empty’ from the scene, your outline should only have the cameras and mesh now:


Now export the scaled alembic:



This scaled alembic is the one you want to select during the run dialog in Marso.

This can be done quite easily by using markers and setting a scale bar.


Exporting an ST Map

In Agisoft Metashapes, by default, all cameras should solve into a single group resulting in them all sharing the same lens distortion profile. Go to :
Tools -> Camera Calibration

You should see a single-camera group on the left pane.


If you have multiple camera groups within your scene with different camera solves,
Marso will not work.

Switch from the Initial tab to the Adjusted tab, and press save.

Set the Save as Type to be : ‘STMAP (*.tif *.exr)' . Type in a meaningful filename such as ‘Lens_Profile’. By default, the extension of the file will be ‘.tif' , ensure that this is changed to ‘.exr’.

Exporting an Alembic

To export the alembic :
File -> Export -> Model
Give the file a meaningful name and press save.

After clicking save, an Export Model window will appear. You must enable :

Vertex Normals

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