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✏️ Job Creation

In the main window of Marso, enter the Job Name and path to Raw Files:

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  1. Job Name: A descriptive name that will be used to identify the scan throughout processing and once the results are ready. e.g Blue_Leather_Handbag


When processing different versions of the same asset, use a naming system e.g object_v01


Letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed. Do not use special characters

  1. Raw Files: Specify the path to the raw images from the scan to be processed.


Marso can only ingest camera RAW or DNG Files, it cannot read jpeg, png or exr Supported Files

📷 Image Preparation

Once the above information has been entered, the Start button within the Raw Processing pane can be clicked to start the Prepare step.

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The new job will appear in the lower pane as soon as it is started, and data preparation will run until its status changes from PREPARING to READY.

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If the status shows “Failed”, make sure that the selected Exposure Calibration in Settings is correct. Contact support if the issue persists.

In addition to reading all data into Maraso, this step will also create ‘exr’ files that will be needed for the photogrammetry step.

When using a capture system that has multiple lights for each camera position or node, Marso will automatically create one ‘exr’ file for each group of lights as an averaged image

24_inspect_photos_button.pngImage Added ✅ When is a job ready?

When a job’s status is DO SOLVE, the Images button will open the photogrammetry images when clicked. The images in this directory must be used for photogrammetry for Marso to work correctly, however they can be adjusted as long as the name, shape, and orientation of each image is unaffected.

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📐 Run your Photogrammetry

You can now proceed with your normal photogrammetry reconstruction workflow. You must use the exror jpg files created in the previous step.

We currently support Agisoft Metashape or Reality Capture as your photogrammetry application.

📝  Checklist

  1. 3D Mesh and camera solve
    It is important to get a good solve of the cameras within the scene, poorly solved cameras can lead to artifacts in the material measurement later on. We recommend attempting to re-align any bad camera solves or removing those cameras from the 3D solve all together.


A high number of polygons in the mesh may cause Marso to exceed the available VRAM on your system. If this occurs, simplify the mesh and reattempt the process. Marso does produce highly detailed normals even on medium to low poly meshes. See Examples

When drawing a bounding box around your subject for mesh reconstruction, it is important to also include any stands or supports (if not using the mask mesh feature). This additional geometry will ensure that pixels are correctly traced onto this geometry and not onto the subject itself. Using one of the lower cameras (as shown below) can be a helpful reference to see how much geometry is required to avoid unwanted pixels being projected onto the subject.

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Using a Mask Mesh will allow you to reconstruct just the subject, whilst avoiding occlusion issues by providing a Subject-Mesh & Mask-Mesh

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  1. UV Unwrapped Mesh
    The 3D mesh that Marso will create textures for will require a UV unwrap. By default, a 3D mesh within a photogrammetry application will not have a UV, so you must first run the texturing process within the application or UV unwrap manually. (The mesh must have a single unwrap not multiple)


For optimal UVs we recommend generating the texture at the same resolution or lower resolution than what you wish to output from Marso.

Example: A RealityCapture texture of 1024px can be used to create a Marso texture of 1024 > 8192px , but may create artifacts if Marso attempts to create a 512px texture.

  1. Scale the Scene
    It is essential that the 3D scene is correctly scaled, we suggest using markers to automatically set the scale of a scene within RealityCapture or Agisoft Metashape Pro.

titleAgisoft Metashape | Standard

Agisoft Metashape Standard does not offer a way to automatically set scale. For best practice, we recommend using Blender (a free 3D application) to do this by hand.


You will require an Alembic file that includes cameras & a UV unwrapped mesh, as listed in steps 2 & 4.

Open a new ‘General’ blender scene and Delete all of the Default objects, you scene should look like this:

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To Import an Alembic file : File -> Import -> Alembic

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After importing, the mesh and cameras should be in your scene. Create an empty object, this will be used to apply the same scale to the mesh and all the cameras:

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Select everything except the ‘Empty’:

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Then Shift+Drag the selected items into the empty:

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It should look like this:

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Using the measure too image-20240520-221527.pngImage Added (Shift+Spacebar, M), hold Ctrl to snap the tool to two points in the mesh, like so:

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Then compare this distance to the real life distance. If you divide this distance by the real life distance you end up with a scale factor. 

On the object properties menu for the ‘Empty’, insert the computed scale factor into the three scale input boxes:

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Use the measure tool again to confirm the distance is now correct.

Now select all cameras and the mesh, press Alt+P to bring up the Clear Parent dialog, and select Clear and Keep Transformation:

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Delete the ‘Empty’ from the scene, your outline should only have the cameras and mesh now:

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Now export the scaled alembic:

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This scaled alembic is the one you want to select during the run dialog in Marso.

titleAgisoft Metashape | Pro

This can be done quite easily by using markers and setting a scale bar.

titleReality Capture

This can be done quite easily by using markers and setting a constraint, then updating the alignment to apply the constraint.

  1. Export Alembic Mesh & ST Maps
    Export an Alembic abc file with cameras & normals enabled, also export an ST Map as an exr which will be used to account for lens distortion. It is important to use an ST map created within the photogrammetry application rather than


It is important to use an ST map that has been created within the photogrammetry application you have used to solve the 3D scene to avoid any discrepancies.

titleAgisoft Metashape | Standard & Pro

Exporting an ST Map

In Agisoft Metashapes, by default, all cameras should solve into a single group resulting in them all sharing the same lens distortion profile. Go to :
Tools -> Camera Calibration

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You should see a single-camera group on the left pane.

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If you have multiple camera groups within your scene with different camera solves,
Marso will not work.

Switch from the Initial tab to the Adjusted tab, and press save.

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Set the Save as Type to be : ‘STMAP (*.tif *.exr)' . Type in a meaningful filename such as ‘Lens_Profile’. By default, the extension of the file will be ‘.tif' , ensure that this is changed to ‘.exr’.

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Exporting an Alembic

To export the alembic :
File -> Export -> Model
Give the file a meaningful name and press save.

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After clicking save, an Export Model window will appear. You must enable :

(tick) Vertex Normals
(tick) Cameras

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titleReality Capture

Exporting ST Maps:

Go to Exports and then to Camera Alignment, select ST Maps and use these settings (or our export config):

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Exporting Alembic

Go to Exports and then to Dense Mesh Model and Textures, select Alembic (*.abc) and use these settings (or our export config):

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Optional UV Editing
Want to do your own UV unwrap?

You are welcome to UV unwrap the mesh yourself in an application of your choosing before importing it into Marso.

Photogrammetry → .abc → UV Unwrap → .abc → Marso

Just be sure to adhere to the following:

  • You must export this new mesh as an alembic (.abc) file, with cameras & normals (and triangles, no qauds).

  • Only do a single UV Page.

  • Ensure the scale or units of the Object & Scene does not change upon export.

  • Ensure that the cameras are exported within the alembic (.abc) file and have not been renamed or re-ordered.

Starting Photogrammetry Process Materials ➡️